
[THE-GLOW] Panel discussion 2 for the intervention course description

28 May 2024



Transdisciplinary approach to health and well-being

Panel Discussion 2

Theme: Lessons from different types of interventions for Dengue prevention and control.


As outlined in the attached Course Description, we aim to engage our students in critical reflections to unpack complex health and social issues, using Dengue as a case study. The course aims to help students realize the importance of transdisciplinary and multi-sectoral collaborations toward more equitable and sustainable solutions contributing to the SDGs, particularly SDG 3. 


Although we use Dengue as a case study, our panel discussions – of which there are three in this course – aim to include experts from different disciplinary fields relevant to realizing integrated and holistic responses. This is a practical way to expose our students to a transdisciplinary perspective, as the panels will contribute insights from diverse fields of knowledge, and practices that our students can critically assess and apply.


From this standpoint, we would like to clarify that we do not aim to burden the panel speakers with the responsibility of lecturing on transdisciplinary and multi-sectoral approaches. Our course will be offered over ten days during the last two weeks in May 2024. Before the course starts, students will receive an orientation on transdisciplinary approaches to health during a pre-program workshop. This topic will also be discussed with the students throughout the course.


The course will also include discussions on topics such as:

·         Social determinants of health and sustainable development

·         Fundamentals about Dengue

·         Climate change and health

·         Examples of different types of Dengue prevention and control interventions

·         Inclusive and transformative approaches to health and well-being, and relevance to SDG3

·         Gender, social inclusion, equity and health

·         Data and information for designing socially inclusive and transformative interventions


However, during the panels and the Q&A sessions with the students afterward, we would appreciate it if the speakers could share any insights they may have on transdisciplinary and multi-sectoral work, particularly in the context of addressing health issues (such as Dengue) in the context of climate change.

For detailed information about the invited panelists, please kindly check the attached PDF file.

THE-GLOW Intervention-FINAL Class 5 Plan-24May2024_Chris.pptx.pdf


The Research and Lifelong Learning Center

on Urban and Medical Entomology

Department of Entomology

Faculty of Agriculture-Bangkok

Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand 10900




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